Backflow Prevention & Cross-Connection Control
Virginia Beach Public Utilities administers a program of surveying, inspecting, and tracking the testing of all backflow prevention devices and assemblies within the water distribution system.
Attention Customers: Delays in our meter reading schedule have resulted in bills that include more days of service than usual. With more days of service, customers’ bills will be higher than usual.
More InformationVirginia Beach Public Utilities administers a program of surveying, inspecting, and tracking the testing of all backflow prevention devices and assemblies within the water distribution system.
Implemented in 2011, the purpose of the Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control Program is to protect the City's drinking water supply from a backflow event and to continue delivering safe and reliable drinking water to Virginia Beach residents.
Accordingly, this program was created and is administered by Public Utilities as outlined in the cross-connection control and backflow prevention policy and Virginia Beach City Code 37-68, in conjunction with the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Per the Virginia Administrative Code 12VAC5-590-630, anyone testing and repairing backflow prevention devices must be certified by a Commonwealth of Virginia tradesman certification program (identified by the Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation as a Backflow Prevention Device Worker).
If you have received a door hanger from the Backflow Prevention Program with contact information for Scott Price, this is a legitimate request. Scott is a backflow inspector who works for a third-party contractor, HydroCorp Inc. He has gone through a background check and has been issued a city ID badge with a yellow background. He is specifically inspecting commercial-use buildings deemed as "high hazards."
For questions or concerns, please call the Virginia Beach Public Utilities Regulatory Compliance Bureau at (757) 385-4171.
The Safe Drinking Water Act was amended to reduce lead in drinking water. Backflow Prevention devices used exclusively for non-potable (non-drinking water) services such as manufacturing, industrial processing, irrigation, outdoor watering, or any other uses where the water is not anticipated to be used for human consumption are exempt.
If you have any questions please contact the Backflow Prevention Program Manager at (757) 385-4171 or backflow@vbgov.com.