Approved Products
The approved product list identifies products approved by the City for use within the public water and sanitary sewer systems.
Attention Customers: Delays in our meter reading schedule have resulted in bills that include more days of service than usual. With more days of service, customers’ bills will be higher than usual.
More InformationThe approved product list identifies products approved by the City for use within the public water and sanitary sewer systems.
All requests for approvals for new products or procedures must be directed to the chairman of the Product Selection Committee.
Greg Mathews, Chairmen, Product Selection Committee
Public Utilities Engineering
2501 Courthouse Drive, Building 4
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Requests should include:
In addition, submitters may request time for a formal presentation to the Committee. This would be especially beneficial for products or procedures that are unique or are significantly different from those currently approved or used. Such requests should be made through the committee chairman, and presentations will be conducted during regular monthly meetings.
Committee meetings are routinely scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m. However, this schedule may be modified at the Committee's discretion. Formal presentations, including questions, are limited to no more than one hour. Requests for special meetings may be entertained in unusual circumstances, with sufficient advance notice.
The review criteria may include, but is not expressly limited to the following:
Based on the formal presentation and or the submitted information, the Committee will make a decision regarding the request:
Under normal circumstances, final decisions will be made, and submitters will be notified in writing within 60 days. Decision times for items initially designated as under review or for test application, will vary depending on factors such as, the amount of additional research needed, the availability of test sites, and the established duration of the test period.
Products or processes designated as under review may be removed from further consideration, if the submitter fails to respond to requests by the Committee for additional information within 60 days.
The approval for a product or process is limited to the stated model(s) or conditions at the date of approval. Any modifications require additional review and approval. Approval may be rescinded at any time by the Committee for sufficient cause, such as poor material performance, unapproved design changes, changes in manufacturing process, or inadequate technical support.
Products or processes that are disapproved or tabled may be reconsidered, if the submitter can supply additional information that may influence the stated basis for the Committee's decision. However, the Department reserves the right to disapprove any product or process deemed to be incompatible with our current methods and materials and to limit the number of approved manufacturers or models of any particular types of products.
Appeals to the Committee's decisions may be made to the chairman. Further appeals should be made to the Director of Public Utilities.