Project Schedule & Current Status

  • Project Status: Contract awarded; pre-construction activities underway.
  • Construction Start Date: Fall 2024
  • Construction End Date: Fall 2025
  • Contract Award Amount: $2,690,526

The Department of Public Utilities is replacing approximately 1,600 feet of gravity sanitary sewer lines in the Keegan’s Landing neighborhood. The gravity sewer system, installed during the neighborhood’s construction in the 1970s, has reached the end of its useful life. This work is being done as part of the Department's Aging Infrastructure Program.

Normal working hours will be from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday. During construction, there will be noise, temporary changes to traffic patterns and neighborhood parking availability, and visible construction equipment and materials staged within the City right-of-way. Residents will have access to their homes at all times. Areas impacted by construction will be restored upon project completion.

This project will improve the public infrastructure serving the neighborhood and ensure compliance with state and federal regulations.